Native Asset Bridge

eRon is architected to deliver cross-chain functionality for its native assets. The cornerstone of this capability is the native cross-chain bridge, which hinges on the essential process of block header verification. This verification mechanism ensures the integrity of the active validator set and validates the accuracy of cross-chain transactions.

Unlike some blockchain solutions, eRon doesn't adhere to a BSC or ETH-compatible consensus or EVM execution environment. This deliberate design choice positions eRon as a technology-agnostic solution. To fortify the integrity of validator transitions, eRon introduces the Block Header Verification Function (BHVF). Implemented in Solidity, BHVF scrutinizes block headers from eRon applications, drawing inspiration from the state verification function of Polkadot. BHVF also assumes responsibility for verifying transaction receipts from blockchains, thereby substantiating the correctness of cross-chain transfers to BSC and ETH chains.

Block header verification, while conceptually intricate, involves relatively straightforward processes within eRon Blockchain. By employing BLS/BN cryptography, eRon streamlines the verification process by only requiring the publication of epoch blocks containing new validator sets and signatures from prior validators. Considering an estimated gas consumption of ~50k gas per block (with state modification), calculations reveal that eRon consumes approximately ~16k gas per second per block. On an epoch scale, gas consumption ranges from ~160 gas per second (for a 5-minute epoch) to 0.57 gas per second (for a 1-day epoch). eRon typically opts for longer epoch lengths, such as one day, primarily to facilitate smoother validator transitions. While epoch lengths can be tailored based on application requirements, adjusting them to shorter durations, like 6-12 hours, minimally impacts gas consumption.

Furthermore, eRon integrates a native cross-chain bridge directly into its system as a smart contract. Below are the specified interfaces for the EVM version of eRon:

                        interface INativeAssetBridge {
                            function deposit() external payable;
                            function withdraw(bytes[] validatorSetSignatures, bytes transactionReceipt) external;

Bridging Workflow

Deposit (eRon -> BSC /ETH). When a user calls the deposit function it locks his native tokens in the smart contract and emits events. To be able to mint peg tokens in BSC or ETH chains, the user generates a proof that contains information about transaction receipt (including emitted events) with merkle patricia trie proof. This proof should be uploaded into the BSC or ETH chain where an eRonValidatorHub smart contract can verify this proof and validators signatures from the eRon chain.

Withdrawal (BSC -> eRon). Withdrawal of the funds is opposite to deposit flow. The difference here is that the user must burn his pegged tokens in the BSC or ETH chains to use this proof to withdraw tokens from native asset bridge smart contracts. Validators in the eRon network must verify the correctness of this operation and are responsible for preventing double spend attacks.